Photo: Courtesy of ARL Boston.
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Newly released surveillance video from Fisher College on Beacon Street shows the moment "Fish" the cat was abandoned last month. The Animal Rescue League of Boston is looking to charge the person responsible with willful abandonment, and asks that anyone who recognizes the man to come forward.
Officials say Fish, the two-year-old cat, has been found to be in good health after a veterinary exam and has no clear signs of abuse or neglect despite video showing a rough drop-off.
Photo: Courtesy of ARL Boston.
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Officials say willful abandonment is a crime punishable by up to seven years in jail and a $5,000 fine.
Fish was found in a relatively timely fashion, but officials say any longer and the cat would have been at risk for injury. Fisher College Police found the cardboard box Fish was in and reported it to ARL Law Enforcement.
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