Curry College's campus in Milton, Mass.Photo: Courtesy Curry College
MILTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Curry College in Milton is offering thousands of dollars in reward money for information that leads to the conviction of whoever has been leaving hateful messages all over the college's campus.
The school's spokesperson, Liz Matson, said Curry is offering a $10,000 reward for the culprit. She said it was "enormously disheartening and disturbing that our school community continues to be violated by hateful symbols and threats," in a statement on Thursday.
The college has seen numerous instances of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti in the last few weeks, including swastikas scrawled in dorms and bathrooms. Matson confirmed the most recent incidents from Monday and Tuesday — where another swastika and a specific threat against the college's Black students for Feb. 22 was found.
Five other instances took place between Jan. 27 and Feb. 1, along with more last week. The school held on-campus rallies against hate last week. Milton Police and the campus' own security are looking into the incidents, and deploying more officers and surveillance.
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