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LYNN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Lynn Police Department announced Monday that they have entered a pilot agreement with Flock Safety, to install their products, automated license plate reading (ALPR) cameras, around Lynn to proactively fight crime.
The Lynn Police Department said in a statement, that the cameras will aid in capturing objective evidence, detecting details on the vehicles passing through like characteristics and license plate numbers. Police said the cameras will not scan people or use facial recognition. The ALPR camera was designed to send a real-time alert to law enforcement when a stolen vehicle or license plate registered to a wanted suspect enters the jurisdiction.
Police said that the ALPR cameras are capable of detecting a vehicle associated with a missing person in an AMBER or Silver Alert.
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To ensure privacy, police said, all footage from Flock Safety will be deleted after 30 days on a rolling basis, and that the data will not be sold or shared with any third parties. The cameras will also not be used for minor traffic or parking violations.
According to the Lynn Police Department, over 1,400 cities across 40 states have implemented the technology, with Flock Safety working with over a thousand police departments across the U.S. Police went on to say that the cameras have been shown to reduce crime by up to 70%.
WBZ's Michael Macklin reports.
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