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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) – Massachusetts already has a reputation for its drivers, but what about its roads?
According to a survey from Consumer Affairs, Massachusetts roads ranked fifth in the nation for having the worst driving conditions.
Many residents blame severe winter weather and snowplows for bumps and potholes that attribute to these poor conditions. Some say that a majority of potholes are located in Worcester, Lowell, Norwood and Walpole specifically.
“The snow plows have done a number on our roads,” one resident said. “Potholes and damage to the streets are a constant nuisance. Southbridge, or Massachusetts roads in general, seem to be in a never-ending loop of construction.”
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The survey also found that drivers pay an average of $620 a year in costs due to driving on roads that need repair. The only other New England state to appear in the top ten was Rhode Island which, coincidentally, ranked at number one.
The report said the state's poor conditions result from a relatively low highway maintenance budget, moisture from rain and snow and frequent extreme weather events. The full list can be found on Consumer Affairs’ website.
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