Photo: Courtesy of the Bliven family
WESTERLY, R.I. (WBZ NewsRadio)— Turns out Tom Brady wasn't the only quarterback making history to be in Foxborough last week.
Fifth grader Tessa Bliven of Westerly, Rhode Island made history when she was named as the first female starting quarterback for her team in her peewee football league. Bliven and her family went to the Patriots Buccaneers game on Sunday thanks to a gift from Dunkin' for breaking this barrier.
Bliven told WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) she fell in love with the sport of football watching Brady play for the Patriots.
"I just started getting interested in football and the NFL," Bliven said. "I went to my mom when I was six and I said I wanted to play football."
In her team's first game of the season, she helped carry them to a victory. Her father Dennis said he couldn't be any prouder of his daughter.
"She works really hard," he said. "She just wants to be a member of the team."
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Bliven said her favorite part of being on the team is the comradery with her teammates.
"It's really fun, I love bossing them around," she said. "Most of the [offensive] line I'm friends with so they protect me."
At the Patriots game on Sunday, Bliven was excited to see Brady play in Foxborough again, but made sure to stop cheering for him once the game started.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) has the story.
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