MANCHESTER, N.H. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Rep. Tulsi Gabbard discussed her campaign to be the Democratic 2020 presidential candidate, foreign policy, and more in an interview with WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay at the No Labels Problem Solver Convention in Manchester Sunday.
Gabbard said she's looking forward to spending more time in the Granite State.
“The more voters are exposed to me, the more that they are introduced to me, who I am, the experience I bring to the presidency, the more our support continues to grow," she said.
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Gabbard has struggled in polls against a wide field of Democratic candidates, and threatened to boycott debates after she did not make the cut for the third Democratic primary debate—but she said she's more interested in meeting voters than making debate requirements.
“My campaign strategy is not focused on the DNC’s arbitrary decisions about who they will or won’t include in these debates," she said. "It’s really focused on voters, 'cause guess what? Shock and surprise—they’re actually the ones who are making decisions about who they will vote for, especially in states like New Hampshire."
Gabbard spoke about foreign policy in the interview, saying that regime change wars and topping dictators have strengthened terrorist groups and undermined national security, while tensions increase with other superpowers.
“We are facing, as a nation, an existential threat based on the increasing tensions between the United States and nuclear-armed countries, like Russia and China," she said. "This is something that no other candidate for president is talking about, but it’s something that folks in Hawaii understand in a very personal way how critical this existential threat is ... [We need to] deescalate these tensions, work to end this new cold war and arms race, and actually dedicate our tax payer dollars—instead of toward proliferating more nuclear weapons, let’s put them toward actually serving the interests and needs of the American people that are pressing and urgent.”
Hear the full interview with Rep. Gabbard below.
(Photo: Getty Images)
WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports
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