Photo: WBZ NewsRadio
WALTHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Most people in the Greater Boston area broke out the brushes on Monday morning, after some overnight snow.
According to the National Weather Service (NWS), most of the state received between one and three inches of snow by Monday morning. Hendy, a Waltham resident, said walking around the city was no problem since the city did a good job clearing the sidewalks on the main streets.
“This is pretty good, I’m enjoying this,” said Hendy. “It’ll all melt, so this is good for us.”
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Kevin Johnson is a plow driver for the city and helped get things cleaned up before the Monday morning commute.
“For the most part, the city’s looking pretty good. We were out all night sanding, salting and plowing, so things are starting to look pretty good,” said Johnson. “They called for like two to three inches in the Waltham area. I think that’s what we got [in] total.”
While this winter has brought more snow than the last couple, the NWS reported Boston was 10 inches below the city’s average for snowfall accumulation on Feb. 1. Johnson said this year has not been that busy, but there is still time for more snow in Waltham.
“Winter’s not over yet. You never know what it has [in store] for us,” said Johnson.
WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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