WBZ’s Nichole Davis shares the stories people are talking about in your community each weekend

All Aboard! The MBTA's Revival of South Coast Commuter Rail Service

Boston Man's "100 Days of Murph" Highlights Physical and Mental Health Challenges

Each and every day, Jake Prusha, a member of the US Coast Guard stationed in Boston, takes part in a grueling challenge called the "Murph" workout, which honors a Navy SEAL who was killed in Afghanistan back in 2005. Prusha's doing this for 100 days - not to get fit, but to raise awareness of members of the military and first responders who are grappling with mental health challenges. Jake talks with Nichole about his story, why this challenge means a lot to him, and how you can help him raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. (Find Jake on Instagram at @jakeprusha.)

Needham's "Hope and Comfort Hygiene Hub" Boosts Confidence in Hygiene-Insecure Youth

In places like Massachusetts where the cost of living is higher than average, many low-income families are having to make a difficult choice each day: pay critical bills and buy food, or pick up hygiene necessities like soap and toothbrushes. Often, the heat and food win out, but that's where Needham's Hope and Comfort Hygiene Hub comes in, making sure families in need are connected to hygiene supplies - even working with local schools to do it. Kerry Carter, the CEO of Hope and Comfort Hygiene Hub, returns to the show to talk about a new grant they received that will help them distribute these items to hundreds of kids in the Chelsea Public Schools.

Experience the Tropics in Boston at the Franklin Park Zoo's "Orchid Adventure"

Even though it's downright frigid outside, the Franklin Park Zoo and Zoo New England are embracing all things tropical at their new "Orchid Adventure" exhibit! Visitors can spend time with some special animals as they admire a lush display of stunning flowers - some real, some "brick". Josh Meyer, the Zoo's Horticulture and Sustainability Curator, joins the show to talk about how he keeps the orchids healthy and everything guests will get to experience when they stop by.

Coding, Coffee, and Career Prep: Roxbury Community College Hosts a "Hack-a-Thon"

By the year 2030, experts say most work opportunities will require applicants to be strong in their digital literacy skills, including knowledge of artificial intelligence systems. As we work with future generations to get them ready for the workforce, schools are coming up with creative ways to teach those skills. Enter "hack-a-thons", where students are presented a complex problem and they have to use those skills to find a solution - and Roxbury Community College's Computer Science Club is about to host one for the very first time! Derek Goodwin, student organizer of the event, and faculty advisor Dr. Mya Bowen join the show to talk about hack-a-thons and what they hope theirs will accomplish.

Amesbury's "Our Neighbors' Table" Nourishes Merrimack Valley Residents

For more than 30 years, Our Neighbors' Table in Amesbury has been working in the Merrimack Valley to help people who are food insecure get access to the nourishment they need with dignity and grace. They've opened up two "free markets" so people can feed their families while still having a choice over what they bring home, but Our Neighbors' Table also offers community meals and home delivery services for those who need them. Lyndsey Haight, Executive Director of Our Neighbors' Table, talks with Nichole about their mission, the local food supply chain, how they foster community, and more.

One SouthCoast Chamber's Spotlight on Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

Coming up next month in Dartmouth, One SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce is getting ready to celebrate local female entrepreneurs and business leaders at their Women's Forum and Expo! Women who attend will be able to network, share ideas, and learn all about the impacts of burnout from an expert. Katie Greene, the Chamber's Vice President of Marketing and Events, returns to the show to talk with Nichole about this inspiring event.

Boston's "Freedom Trail Foundation" Offers Special Tours to Celebrate Black History Month

February is Black History Month, and the Freedom Trail Foundation is offering special tours highlighting the rich and often overlooked history of African-Americans who've made an impact on the city's history. The tours promise a great walk around Boston, some enlightening and enriching conversations, and education from 18th century costumed guides playing the roles of iconic Black Bostonians. This week, a guide from the Foundation playing Phillis Wheatley joins Nichole to talk about the Foundation's work and these special tours.

Two Moms, One Life-Changing Idea: The Children's Museum of Franklin

Children's museums are a great place for kids and adults to thrive, learn, and play, but you often find them in larger cities - not so much in smaller towns. That's changing in Franklin, as two mothers who have been friends for years are making moves to open up the Children's Museum of Franklin, promising interactive exhibits, imaginative play, and much more. Co-Founders Meg Hagen and Erin Gallagher share all the details with Nichole on this week's show, and also discuss ways the community can contribute to help open the doors within the next few months.

Climate Change and Timeless History: The Future of Sustainable Architecture in Boston

With housing so tight in the Boston area, there's a lot of conversation about new construction - everything from affordability to rats. Another major factor: sustainability. Climate change is impacting New England faster than any other part of country, according to experts, and that means our architecture has to respond in kind. RODE Architects in Boston was founded by Eric Robinson and Kevin Deabler, who say they center sustainable design in all their projects. They join Nichole this week to talk about sustainable design, why climate-focused design is critical in future construction, and how they're working to get this done in one of the nation's most historic cities.